It's time to stop making excuses and reach my goals!

Ok, January is half over. This makes me realize that I really need to get my shit together.

My goal is to run my first FULL marathon in September. So I will start my training plan in April. BUT, before I can start that, I need to drop some weight and get my base mileage back to where it needs to be.

If you are new here, just a bit of history… I started running in 2010. In 2011 I ran my first half marathon. In 2012 I ran THREE half marathons and started to think about a full. In January of 2013 I started grad school for my MBA and got a serious dose of reality. I did run two half marathons in 2013, but after that, school got more time-intensive…. I stress-ate and didn’t run much…. I gained weight….. Boom. Here we are.

I finished school in August 2014. I did a decent job of getting back into running. I ran some 5Ks. But my running hasn’t been consistent and I keep waiting until “tomorrow” to eat less. The New Year was going to be my time to stop making excuses and get my shit together and get serious. But here we are, January 16th, and it’s still the same old thing.

I read somewhere that it isn’t motivation that you need to do something, it’s more about making it a habit. When I think about this, it really resonates with me.

In the past, when my healthy habits were strong, if I were to stop at a gas station or something, I would NEVER get candy or chips or some other kind of junk. Now, it’s more often then not that I do get the junk. Why? I need to get back into the habit of not doing that, and once the habit is set, it will be easier. That is kind of a stupid example, but you get the picture.

Motivation and habits

Same with running. I used to be in the habit of running Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. But now…. I come home from work, eat a snack, turn on the TV, have another snack, and my desire to run is overtaken by my desire to binge watch Gossip Girl on Netflix (that show is sooooo good, but I think it’s ruining my life).

Stephen Covey quote

So, I need to get my old habits back.

Stay tuned!!

What habits have you let slide? Do you watch Gossip Girl? I’m on Season 4, so DON’T TELL ME what happens or who the Gossip Girl is!

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